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Our Mission

Providing a Reliable, and Quality Service
For the Present and Future Needs of our Communities

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We are working to best serve the needs of our communities

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New - You can now pay your bills online

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BOARD Meetings

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Use Water Wisely!

Tips on Water Conservation

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Background photo of Ocean Blvd Project


Ocean Boulevard Water Main Replacement Project

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We invite you to peruse our website so that you may understand the activities and issues behind the glass of water you draw from your tap.

We are often asked what exactly is the Water Board if it isn't a department of either city, Coos Bay or North Bend. We've found that an understanding of our history helps in understanding what we are today. The public water system for the Bay Area was established in 1897 under the name of Marshfield Water Company and later became Coos Bay Water Corporation. Both were private companies. In 1947, the Cities of Coos Bay and North Bend jointly purchased the water system from Coos Bay Water Corporation and, through City Charter provisions, established Coos Bay-North Bend Water Board to operate as a non-profit municipal water provider with an appointed four-member board of directors, two from each city, with 4-year terms each. The Water Board is managed in this same way today.

We'd like to hear from you with any questions or comments you may have. After all, this is your water utility!


 2023 Consumer Confidence Report Available Download it here.

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Glass of water

Meet our Board

As the appointed Board of Directors, our role is to provide direction, set policies, and develop goals and objectives which guide utility staff in their daily work. The most important goal at present is the expansion of the existing water sources to meet your current and future water demands. While this project has received much of the spotlight in the last few years, there is much more involved in providing water service to you every day.

J. Gregory Solarz picture

J. Gregory Solarz

Board of Directors

Bill Richardson picture

Bill Richardson

Board of Directors

Carmen Matthews picture

Carmen Matthews

Board of Directors

Rob Kilmer picture

Rob Kilmer

Board of Directors

Current Happenings


  • If for some reason I don't have internet access, can I still pay with my credit card?
  • Can I make an online payment on my account without registering?
  • I had a water leak recently and received a high bill. Can my bill be reduced?
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